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Further Facts for Jewish American History Month


Crafted by Professor Shostak!


1) In 1654 some 23 Jewish refugees arrived in New Amsterdam (later New York City).

2) Today approximately 7,500,000 Jewish-Americans make up the largest community of Jews in the world (Israel, 6,700,000). 

3) Together the two countries have 80% of the world's Jews. 

4) Jewish-Americans are just about 2% of our nation's population (330 million).

5) They are whiter (89%) than are Americans (60%). (Jewish people of color: 5% Hispanic, 2% Black, 4% "Other").

6) They are older (26% over 65 versus 20% of all Americans).

7) One in six Jewish-Americans is a convert (18%).

8) 91% live in the nation's largest metropolitan areas.  9) With about one million Jewish-American residents of 40 million Californians, our state has the 3rd largest percent  of the nation's Jewish-Americans (Florida and New York State each have a larger percent).

Social Profile: (2013 Poll)

1) 78% of Jewish-Americans identify themselves as being Jewish; 22% identify themselves as having "No Religion."

2) 67% do not belong to a synagogue or temple.

3) 25% do not believe in God.

4) 33% had a Xmas Tree in their home in 2012.

Holocaust-Related Attitude: (2013 Poll)

1) "Remembering the Holocaust" ranked #1 of 10 choices of "Being essential for being Jewish."(73% checked it #1

2) "Leading an Ethical and Moral Life" was #2 (69%)

3) "Working for Social Justice and Equality" was #3 (56%)

Memorialization of the Holocaust has become "the touchstone for Jewry's sense of communal purpose."

Holocaust: Non-Jewish Americans: (Pew, 2019 Poll)

1) 96% believe the Holocaust happened.

2) 1% are Deniers - they believe it didn't.

3) 80% know what is was. 

4) 93% believe American youth should learn about it.

5) 27% have been to a Holocaust Museum.

Israel-Related Attitudes (2013)

1) "Caring for Israel" was ranked #4 as "Being essential to being Jewish." (49%)

2) 69% of Jewish-Americans have an emotional attachment to Israel. (Pew, 2013 Poll)

3) 40% believe the land that is now Israel was given to the Jewish people by God. (Pew, 2013)

4) 17% believe the continued building of settlements in the West Bank is helpful to Israel's security. (Pew, 2013 Poll)

Political Profile

1) 51% identify as Democrats; 34% of all Americans do so.

2) 17% identify as Republicans; 25% of Americans do so.  

3) 42% identify as Liberals; 24% of Americans do so.

4) 20% identify as Conservatives ; 38% of Americans do so.

5) 34 Jewish-Americans are in Congress; 24 are Democrats, 10 are Republicans. 

Eight of 100 Senators are Jewish-Americans (all of them Democrats) and 26 of 535 House of Representative members are Jewish-Americans (6%,10 of whom are Republican). 

Nobel Prize Winners: 1) Between 1901 and 2011, some 200 Americans won this Prize, of whom 62 were Jewish-Americans (31%).  2) Since 2000, Jewish-Americans have won 24% of all Nobel Prizes. 3) Percent of particular awards given to Americans that went to Jewish-Americans - Economics, 50%; Physics, 38%; Literature, 33%, Chemistry, 29%. (Source: The Super Achievers, by Ronald Gerstl, 2012). Academic Focus: 1) Jewish-Americans are especially represented in such professions as Psychiatrists, Dentists, Mathematicians, Doctors, Writers, Lawyers, and Architects. 2) Jewish-Americans are especially represented in such college/university departments as Law, Sociology, Economics, Physics, Political Science, History, Philosophy, and Mathematics. Anti-Semitism 1) Across the last 25 years between 11 and 14% of Americans have held intensely anti-Semitic attitudes. 2) In 2018 the rate of all Hate Crimes was the third highest since 1970: the total was 1,879. Jewish-Americans are most often targeted. 

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